This game is awesome!
I actually like the controls and the music making!
I think the complexity allows more flexibility when making songs! It is a tad complicated, I must say, but it is still well done.
As for some complaints, I do agree that playing songs is slightly challenging
but for people that are complaining about it "always being on 2-player mode" is extremely false. It actually STARTS on 0-player mode because both players have no instrument selected! If you don't want a second player, then leave "none" high-lighted on the 2-player side!
As for some other complaints, I was upset when I found out you can't change the pitch on special riffs, but that's not a big one.
I love the offline version too, and I love how everything works fine on it as well.
Speaking of which, if you haven't DOWNLOAD THE OFFLINE VERSION IF YOU'RE HAVING LAG, the game would shut down my computer, and now it runs so smooth, and I can have all the settings on w/o any lag, so really do so.
Anyways, I love the game... but seriously, lower the difficulty on playing songs a bit, I am glad you can change the controls though.
Despite the few complaints, I give you a 10, because I know I'll either overcome them, or... you'll fix them :D